Everything Wrong With: Far Cry 5

Hey guys! Welcome back to another post in The Games Insiders! Where today we are going to be talking about one of the most popular games in 2018. This will be episode 3 of Everything Wrong Wither series. If you guy have never watch (or read) the Everything Wrong With series before, basically it is just a series, where we talk about games that could be revised or improved.


Before we start if you guys want to learn more about this game, check out our other post right here.

1. Story

Oh sure, Far Cry 5 is popular for it's story and really it has great stories. But really, the story kind of feels shaky without the Seed's main story and really, the story sometimes seems kind of too random. Sure, I know a lot of players who absolutely love open world kind of games, but this is kind of too random.

2. Purpose of Saving Hostages

That kind of sounds mean but there really are no point in saving hostages and whatever. Oh sure that will give you exp and everything, but once you finish a region there is no point in doing that because, well nothing will happen! There really is no point. I mean if you liberate a place, it gives you perk points sometimes so that is worth it but really, saving hostages? I don't know about that.

3. Multiplayer Mode

Multiplayer modes can be fun, but this gets too much. It would be such a blast and you would be having so much fun, IF you have friends, which in my case I have none :(.  Anyways, moving on, this game is very fun with friends, but you can get no work done! Also, the game only saves for the host player or the first player as you can say. That can be quite harsh, and your friend will lose or yourself will lose all the data. That means your friend will lose all the abilities like grappling hook, parachute, etc.

4. Price

I even rated a 10/10 in my review, but the price is just outrageous. The game costs 60 BUCKS!!! If it was 50 bucks, I would have been cool with it, but 60 bucks seems A LOT. PS: I already bought Far Cry 5, so I don't get why I am judging that now. Should have done it earlier.

5. Stealth

Let's face it, most of these stealthy games always turns out to be, not too stealthy. Assassin's Creeds: Origins was a good example. Well, Far Cry 5 is probably the hardest game to do a stealth attack.  There are so many enemies and it would be almost impossible to wipe out every single enemies in a camp without getting caught. OK, I admit, I am not the best gamer in the world, but stealth in this game is incredibly difficult.

Do you agree with our list? Do you not agree? Tell us in the comment section down below. Anyways, thank you guys so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your money and subscribe! Again, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!!!

