Announcements- Far Cry 5 is HERE!!

Hey yo guys! Welcome back! Today we are going to be making another quick announcements like the post that we have done before. So without any farther to do let's st--- Sorry guys, my dog just interrupted me.

(BARK): Translation- Follow us at Instagram @YGCHOI

OK 3,2,1, ACTION!!!

Why I Bothered to Make This Post

You might be wonder, why make this post? Well, I feel like that this game would be the next game to be in the top ten list of best games. Sure, Far Cry 3 was great. Far Cry 4? Meh. And finally Far Cry Primal? Decent. Very decent. Well, this game already got quite good reviews and is doing GREAT!!

One reason why most people liked Far Cry Primal was because of the taming system. Well, now BYE Primal, it's time you go extinct! Like in Far Cry Primal, in Far Cry 5 you can now tame animals!!

Also Far Cry 3? Great story huh. Well, Far Cry 5 also has an AMAZING story so take that Far Cry 3 (sorry to all of you who love Far Cry 3).


OK, OK. I will make it short relax. But if you guys do want to hear more and hear about my review, check out this post.

Far Cry 5 is a first person perspective game developed and published by Ubisoft. This game is published for Microsoft Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. You can also play multiplayer, but it is usually singleplayer mode. You also have your "allies" like the previous games, and you need to make sure that you have good relationship with the characters, as they are the one who gives you missions and characters. If you are "mean" to the characters, they'd not.

Why it is so IMPORTANT

Like I have told you guys before this is like a combination of Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 3. What can be better? Far Cry 5, is realistic, and it is very fun! It is probably the BEST Far Cry game of all time! I am one of those fans of grown your own village kind of games, and Far Cry 5 is. And at the same time, this game actually has action and other stuff at the same time! I mean, what can be better than

Thank you so much for watching! Sorry guys for the short post. Anyways don't forget to smash the like button with your pet grizzly bear and subscribe. Again, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!

