Top Ten Gaming Companies 2017 Edition

Hey guys welcome to my first post of 2018! We are so sorry that we couldn't make a post for a while. However we will make up that and do a special post! The top ten GAMING COMPANIES! We always talked about the games itself, but we never talked about the companies that actually made them! Today, we'll be talking about the greatest games of all time in history, and what games they are famously known for! Without any farther to do, let's start today's epic post!!!

10. Ubisoft

Ubisoft is an awesome gaming company, and it published one of the best games! They published 45 games and 21 very unique games. Their average metascore is 69, and is really famous for the Assassin's Creed Chronicles. However they were 9th place last year. One of their best games are the watch dog. This company started all the way from 1989 and had been one of the first companies to make a game. Ubisoft created one of the best games, and tons of people still plays their amazing game!

9. Telltale Games

This company isn't as big as Ubisoft, but however their scores are still better and their games are also really good. However they came from 2nd place to 9th place. Telltale Games was first founded in 2004, and currently have around 310 employees. Some of their popular games includes the Walking Dead, and their worst game they ever made was the 7 Days to Die. In total they made 49 products, and they are still continuing to surprise us with their wonderful games! Their average metascore is 71.1.

8. Bandai Namco Entertainment

Bandai Namco Entertainments made 36 games on total. Their overall best game is the Dark Souls, and their overall worst game of all time is the Necropolis. This is possibly the first gaming company to ever be created. They were founded in 1955, and were founded by the Japanese people. Bandai Namco Entertainment's overall metascore is 70.8. Bandai Namco Entertainments is an ancient company, that we still love to play.

7. Activision Blizzard

Activision Blizzard is one of my personal favorite of all time. They are the company that made one of the best game of all time, Overwatch. Which is quite a big deal. They also made one of the famous classic game, the World of Witchcraft. Their overall worst game is the Ghost Buster game they made, and honestly their game SUCKED. Ac tivision Blizzard's overall metascore is 71.0 and was forth place ranking last year. However, due to the fact that they hadn't made any good games this year, their ranking went down. Overall Activision Blizzard, is a really "cool" company, and everyone played at least 1 o their game in their life time.

6. Capcom

One of the successful company of all time. They are well known for their games Resident Evil, and Capcom VS Marvel. They are another Japanese company, and is well known for their characters like Mega Man. Their overall metascore is 71.0 and wasn't in the top ten ranking last year. So, nice job Capcom.

5. Xseed Games

You might be like, I've never heard of this company! Well, I hadn't either, and apparently they made quite a good game. Some of their most famous games are the Shante series. They are quite popular and wasn't also in the last year ranking list like Capcom. But still, they are a really awesome company and their games are also overall quite good, and enjoyable.

4. Sony

Unfortunately Sony only makes games for their company, the playstation series. However their games are quite good and enjoyable. They were the creators of the Uncharted Series, and one of their most popular game is called Ratchet and Clank. Their overall metascore is 70.9. The only thing I wish they would change is to make games for both Microsoft and Nintendo as well. Apart from that, Sony is an amazing gaming company and their games are really cool.

3. Nintendo

Despite the fact Nintendo has been dying for several years, their games are still really good. Nintendo company, like Sony, only publish games for their Nintendo console. Their most popular games are the Fire Elblem Fate series. Their company is quite cool and their overall metascore is 76.5. Nintendo is a very fantastic company, and like Sony, they should also probably start making games for the other consoles as well. But apart from that, they are an amazing company.

2. Square Enix

Square Enix was just one of the normal companies, but jumped up, and came 2nd place this year. Square Enix, has probably shown the most improvement out of all the other companies. They are one of my favorite company and made numerous successful games including the Tomb Raider. Some of their other successful games include The World of Fantasy World, and Hitman. They are one of my favorite company, and they should continue making more games. Their overall metascore is 77.1.

1. Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts made 28 games, and all of their games were all successful. Their most successful game includes far cry, titan fall, and Star Wars Battlefront. Electronic Arts makes exclusives for both Sony, and Microsoft. They were 7th place in the last years ranking, and they are my favorite company of all time. Their overall metascore is 79.7. And that ends our post for today.

Thank you so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your gaming console and subscribe. Again, thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!!

