Overwatch is a team based, multiplayer online first play. Overwatch assigns people into groups of 6 in 2 groups, with each player choosing from 25 characters (heroes). There are 4 roles: Defense, Offense, Tank, and Support. All of those roles are really unique, and important. Players in a limited time, has to defend their base, or they have to escort a play load across the time. It was developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, and was released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PS4. But I'd highly recommend you to play Overwatch in a gaming PC. It was first released on May 24, 2016.
They were first originally going to create a game called Titan in 2014. But the game was cancelled, which brought massive disappointments not just to the players, but to the developers. But then they came up with an idea of Overwatch, and started developing this game instead of the game Titan. It took them quite a lot of time, but they finished he game, and it looks really awesome!!
In Overwatch you can earn something called a cosmetic reward. It does not affect the game play, but you can by cool skins and poses for your characters. Which is actually one of the reason I like this game. I mean if you just by the cosmetic thing with money, and you can have cool guns and all, that'd be just too unfair, and OP. So I'm actually quite happy with that feature.
When the game was released it was awarded with tons of awards. It was even the game of the year on 2016. It also won the DICE award, Game Developer's Choice Award, and a lot more!!!
As I said before there are 4 roles in the team. The first role, the offense, has high speed, and attack, but it's defense is really low.

The third role, the support, are meant to provide buffs, and debuffs for the allies or the enemies. That includes giving speed, or healing.
The last and the final role, the tank, are not literally a tank. But they are really heavy class characters. They have large amount of armor, and hit points, to withstand enemy points, and draw fire away from the teammates. Before the match starts if there is a lack of some sort of a class, the game encourages players to change their class.
Each heroes has a primary attack or skill and at least 2 additional skills that can be invoked anytime, you'd want it to. Some might need some cooling down time, and because of that reason, you might have to wait for few seconds before you use the move again. In order to activate the ultimate skill, the character must build up a meter towards it. The meter will go up by itself over time, but you can make it go up faster by defeating enemies, or do tasks for your team. Such as healing your team members. When your bar is full, you can activate the ultimate move anytime you want to. All of the ultimate moves are different. It might be one really, really power move. Or it can last for few seconds, and you can get really powerful or something. The opposing players will get a notice symbol of an exclamation mark, when you are trying to activate the ultimate move.

I absolutely love this game. I always have enjoyed action games, like Star Wars Battlefront. But Overwatch isn't that violent, so it's really good. Also I like the Play of the Games, as it is awesome, and dramatic. And also, I like the way how you can buy skins, and poses and more. The characters are awesome, and I'd highly recommend this game to you.
The HQ will give this game 8.9/10 stars
The Games Insiders will give this game 9.5/10 stars
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