Horizon Zero Dawn - Review

Hey guys!! Welcome back to another review in The Games Insiders! Where today we are going to be reviewing and talking about one of the most popular games right now. That is right, we are finally going to be doing a post on Horizon Zero Dawn! This game is known as a new generation of videogames and we are going to be giving it a star from 1 to 10. Today is going to be an exciting day, so without any farther to do let's start today's AMAZING post!!


Horizon Zero Dawn is an action roleplaying game released only for the PS4, which means this is a PS4 exclusive game. This game was developed by Guerrilla Games and was published by Sony Interactive System.

The story plot and the graphics are what makes this game so special.The plot revolves around Aloy who is a hunter and a archer. Being an Outcast she was never in a tribe before, she sets out to find monsters and all sort of dangers while following her "destiny".

This game is set in a Far Cry Primal kind of place. The only difference is that there are monsters that are made out of Still. So basically, you are a human from a long time ago, and you have to battle
some crazy robotic monsters and other human beings.

You will use long ranged weapons such as bows and spears against the monster. Stealth is also a very important part of this game, and you'd have to be very stealthy. The monsters are quite challenging so
you have to be very stealthy. It is not one of those games where you go guns blazing, you need a tactic to succeed.

This is an openworld game and there are endless missions, and you can do side missions and other things such as defeating an outpost.

There are also skill trees, in which you can upgrade you character to be better. Some of those new things will unlock new abilities that you weren't able to do before, and others will just  kind of upgrade your moves, such as healing faster.


Horizon Zero Dawn is an action adventure roleplaying game, played by third person perspective. In this game you take control of this girl name Aloy as she ventures through a post apocalyptic land ruled by robotic creatures. You can kill these machines in various ways, such as setting traps like tripwires using the TripCaster , shooting them with arrow, using explosives, etc. After you kill a machine, they would drop loot behind, and you could pick the loot to sell, craft stuff, and more!

As I have just said before, you can craft useful objects, such as arrows, trip wires, electric stuff and more! (I seem to say that a lot today). You can also scan things around in this game, but while most of other games scan kind of didn't make sense, like how ijn Far Cry Primal, Horizon Zero Dawn makes perfect sense. Your character Aloy, has this object at the side of her head called a Focus She uses that
to scan stuff, and find out the enemies weakness

To heal in this game, you don't regenerate health, so you actually have to craft a health potion and drink it/ use it to heal up. You have to craft this however, so once you use all of it, health potions won't randomly appear..

As I have said earlier, about some of the stuffs that the Focus can do. There are more abilities than just scanning. You can find the route of the machines, and put a trap in there, or you can find their weakness, and hit them in their weakness, which would be like 6 times stronger than your normal attack, which is a lot.

Machines would either defend it self or attack you. If you attack a machine, it would charge at you and try it's best to kill you. You can dodge, sprint, slide, or roll to evade the enemies. If you really want to be stealthy, you can reach to your enemies by going in water or going through tall grass.

Like most games there is a skill tree in this game, and there are three categories in the skill tree. The
three categories are -rowler which is for stealth, brave, which is all the combat stuff and Forager which is for the health stuff. You can get experience points by leveling up and to level up you can complete outposts, main quests, side quests, etc.

This game is an open world game with day-night cycle and dynamic weather systems and has different regions. In different regions there are specific monsters/ machines. The machines are also very aggressive and will pretty much attack you all time, so unless you are a good player try to avoid them all the time.

Story Plot

Let's start off with the setting of the story. This game sets place in the 31st century, but has been turned in to primal people because of some unspecific calamity. That's pretty much the only things that I am going to tell yous, the rest might be spoilers so I will not be telling you the rest of the story, just because I know some people will be mad when I tell you guys spoilers.


Horizon Zero Dawn is a great game with a game that is great. It is one of the most beautiful game, and I am really strict about good graphics. This is the most beautiful game I have ever seen in the video game history. Horizon Zero Dawn also has great story, which other great games failed on. I feel like this game got everything right, and really I really have nothing to be mad about, apart from the fact that the quests are really long. One quest takes like 30 minutes to complete it! But apart from that Horizon Zero Dawn is a great game, but it is more for an advance gamer.

9/10 - Trusted Reviews

4.5/5 - Game Rant

9/10 - The Games Insiders

Thank you guys so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your futuristic bow and arrow and subscribe! Again, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time!! BYE!!!!

