God of War (2018) - Review

Hey guys! Welcome back to another post in The Games Insiders!!!! Where today, we are going to be talking about God of War! That's right guys, there is a new God of War game, and it is the best in the series by miles. In this post we will be reviewing nad we are going to be telling you guys the information for this game. Also, this post has been delayed due to the holiday my country is having right now, so sorry guys if you guys were expecting this two days ago. Without any farther to do, let's start today's AMAZING post!!!!


God of war is a third person perspective active- adventure game published by SIE Santa Monica Studios and was published by Sony Interactive System, meaning that this is a PS4 exclusive games. This is the eighth game in the God of War series and is the sequel to the 2010's God of War 3.

This is a new story to the series and it's kind of a new thing for the series. The game has a really great game graphics and is the new change to the series. It is like the new start for the series. This game will be based on norse mythology unlike the other games which was based on the Greek mythology.
Kratos, can now also be able to control his rage, unlike before. Kratos now also has a son, which is like his companion called, Atreus. Kratos, is now some what more intelligent and more responsible, and the story is sometimes heart breaking. The story really is great, and is very emotional.

Since Kratos is in a whole new mythology kind of thing, he has a new, different weapon. Kratos used to have double chained blades, but now has a new cooler weapon: a magical battle axe. He can throw the axe and can do bunch of cool things. The axe can also freeze enemies upon contact. Some people are still kind of sad that the double chained weapon was gone, but people seems to like this weapon even more, so this game is still very beloved.


As I have told you guys before, the game is very different from the previous games in the series, meaning that the gameplay is also very different. In previous games there has been multiplayer mode, but now this game is an only single player game. This game is also a third person perspective game, played by over the shoulder perspective

Enemies and bosses are now also vert different than before. In previous games, the enemies were things in greek mythology, but since they had changed the whole mythology to nores mythology, so the enemies are like trolls, goblins, ogres, and graugrs. There are also many different magic creatures
and some bosses can be very difficult like the Great Serpent.

Alright, let's talk about the combat game play now.. First off, let's talk about the big difference. Kratos now has a magical axe instead of the double chained blade, also known as the Blades of Chaos. His new weapons is called the Leviathan Axe, which is infused with ice magic. I mean, ice and Kratos.are two very different things. Kratos is like the fire and the axe is... well it is infused with ice magic.

Anyways back to the combat. You have two different types of attacks like most games. You have the light attack and the heavy attack.Heavy attacks are powerful but slow, and light attacks are weak but fast. You can also throw your magical axe at enemies and cam be summoned back magically, kind of like the hammer Thor has. You know Mjolnir. PS, if you watched the Thor Ragorak movie, let's all take our time to respect the death if Mjolnir.

As I have told you guys before, the magical axe is infused with ice magic, so if you throw your axe at monster or any enemies, you have a chance of freezing them. You can also charge your weapon and send out powerful blasts of energy and damage nearby enemies. You can also upgrade your weapons with runes.

Like in the previous games of the God of War, you have a big shield. But in this case the shield is
different. Since Kratos is now in a region of norse mythology Kratos now has a new shield called the Guardian Shield. When not in use your shield will fold itself and stick to Kratos's left hand like an armor. Your shield can be vert useful and you could block and parry attacks with your shield. You can also use this shield for offense, and you can choose between offense and defense.

This game is pretty opened but it is not one of those open world games. However since it IS an open game you have optional boss battles but you can also do your regular story bosses. By the ways speaking of the bad guys, enemies has two bars above their head. 1 for health and the other for stun. When your stun bars full you can rip your enemies or do bunch of cool stuffs. Well, cool but violent and bloody.

This game is kind of Role Playing Game (RPG), you know one of those games that feels a lot like you are watching a movie. There's nothing wrong with is and it is quite popular up to this date. And I also really like these RPG games.

One of your abilities is called the Spartan Rage, which is basically you turning into a crazy guy just killing everyone. There is a bar for it, so you need to charge before you actually use it. And also like most games, once you used your special move you will need to refill it my filling up your rage which can be found randomly in the game.



So first off, Kratos somehow went to midgard, you know. That huge place in norse mythology. Anyways, the story starts up with Kratos's second wife dying. I guess Kratos is going to get a third wife now... Also this story takes place AFTER Kratos had killed all the Greek Gods. Kratos also now has a second son called Atreus. And this is all about them trying to find some good hiding spots. Not telling anymore and let's just move on.


There really isn't much negative things to say about this game, but most people say that the story is kind of not interesting and that it is kind of shallow. I don't know about those people, but I think the story is great! The graphics are also quite good, but the water graphics can be improved. The new Kratos is all cool and everything is all great.

10/10 - IGN

94% - Metacritic

10/10 - Polygon

9.5/10 - The Games Insideres

Thank you guys so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your levithan axe and subscribe! Again, thank you guys so much for watch and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!!!

