PS4 (Sony) and Xbox One (Microsoft) Crossovers?

Hey guys! Welcome back to another post in the Games Insiders! Where today we are going to be talking about one of the most popped up subject in the internet. That's right, will there be a crossover between PS4 and the Xbox One? Well, let's find out in today's post! Before we start, DISCLAIMER the following not might be true! This is just a theory! Heard the message? Let's start!

If it is Real, What Game Would it be the First?

Sure, even if the crossover thing is real, what game will be the first to have it's crossover? Well, it is most likely going to be Fortnite! You might be like, why? Well, that is because Fortnite is currently one of the most popular games and has now is also in mobile. In fact recent articles shows that Microsoft sent out a request to Sony asking for allowance, which can make the crossover possible. Even Epic (the creator of Fortnite) had said that it is up to Sony. The chances are very much possible. Until than, the cross overs are only possible for all the controls apart from the Xbox One, and the PS4. However you can do a crossover with PC and Xbox One and all those other ones.

Would Sony Say Yes?

Most likely yes. Sony has no problems with Microsoft unlike like whole Sony and Nintendo drama. However there is chance that Sony might say NO. As you may know, recently Microsoft did a crossover with the Switch recently. Because of that the Sony might say no, but that's kind of childish. However, there is a bigger possibility that Sony will say yes, just because of the fans out there. For many years the fans has been asking for it. It will probably become reality. Even if they say no, people will probably hate them afterwards.

How That Would Change Everything

Sure I admit, it wouldn't change EVERYTHING, but it will change quite a stuff in video game history. Firstly, this means that there can be more crossovers between the consoles, which can lead to more fun games which you can play with your friends even if you guys have different consoles.

Also, this would mean there could be more consoles coming out that can do crossovers! I mean think about doing Rocket League with a Xbox player or a PS4 player. That's going to be cool!

Thank you guys so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your gaming console and subscribe! Again, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time!!! BYE!!!

