Atari VCS (2018) - New Console?! + Games That Will be in the Console + Information

Hey guys! Welcome back to another post in The Games Insiders! Today we are going to be talking about a console that will be released after a long time. That's right guys there is a new Atari console coming up this year called the Atari VCS (2018). Before we start, you guys know our partnership The Games Squad, right? Well, the previous CEO (Monkey DJ) will be gone for holiday, so I will briefly become the CEO of the Games Squad. Just do the previous CEO (Monkey DJ) a favor and follow their blog at The Games Squad. Also the blog is in a hiatus so stay tuned. Alright let's start.


Alright, let's start. Atari left the gaming industry and Hardware business in 1996 after Atari Jaguar CD. They knew, like Saga, that Nintendo and other companies. The developers were inspired by other gaming consoles and how they connect each other, etc. So the developers' ideas were to allow people to play old Atari console games without using a PC. They also kind of have this social media thing, which you can talk to friends and play games with your friends.

The concept of this console will kind of be a hybrid between a gaming console and a gaming PC, which are both the things that Atari has created before they decided to quit the gaming industry. They also made the feature, which allows the users to install any softwares.

This console was originally going to be released in 2017 on December, but was postponed due to the issues that the Atari company had discovered. So it will be released some time this year, and would probably be during like September.

New Console?!

Let's be "technical" here. Technically, this is not a new console, since this is a new one. But, this is just kind of like a bridge kind of thing that connects all the old Atari consoles together, so that you can play all of the old games. Well, so tell you what, let's just say it is kind of like the NES where you can play all the old games. Since, this is something brand new, I'd say yes this is a new console.

Thank you guys so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your Atari VCS and subscribe! Again, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!!

