PS5- Release Date + Review + What We Know + Is it real? + Backward Compatibility?

Hey yo guys! Welcome back! Today we are going to be talking about something called a PS5. Before we start, please subscribe to us at Instagram @YGCHOI. Well anyways, I'll give you guys a brief info before we actually start. PS5 is a console that has been rumored for quite a time, but recently there has been "leaked" pictures and more. So for that reason, we are now going to be talking about what we know, and where and when it it would officially be announced. Without any farther to do let's start today's exquisite post!

Release Date

Now, now. We don't know the exact release date, but many of the experts estimated that it would be released this year (2018). However, some people estimate that it will be released on 2020. That is because game isn't even announced yet.

However the other reason why they think it will be released on 2018 is because of this: Nintendo Switch. We all know the famous Switch. But did you know that the Switch had never announced their console in the E3? In fact, the Switch had announced it privately. There are some theories that Sony might do the same thing.

What Game Will be in the Console?

We all know the release date and everything, but exactly what games would the console have? Well let's find out now. Some of the biggest popped out games are Far Cry 5, The Last of Us Part 2, Spider man, A Way Out, etc.

You might be like why Far Cry 5, A Way Out and Spider man? Well, that is another theory that we have. We all know GTA V. Well, this game was released to PS3 and XBox 360 at first. But later was also released to PS4 and  Xbox One when it got released. For that reason, many of us suspect that these games here are going to be in PS5.

Is it real?

Alright, I talked a lot about the PS5. But is it actually real? Well, before we start, I seriously wish it is really really real. Because I spent a long time doing this post.

Y-E-S!! It is real. The only thing it, will it still be called the PlayStation? Sure, PlayStation is the tradition blah blah. But it's not realy a GREAT name, it's just a decent one. This is the perfect time to change the name. So will it still be called the PS? There is no choice but to wait. But otherwise, yes it is very much real.

Also this part makes more sense. The PlayStation has been giving up their exclusive games. Why? Oh, maybe so that when they make the PS5, they will make more exclusives!

What We Know

Well, this might be shocking but, PS5 might be the last console Sony would ever make. I mean 5 is the perfect number to leave the PlayStation behind. But this might NOT be true. So, if it is, all of you
guys follow us and subscribe us @YGCHOI.

The PS5, will also give a futuristic feature. There will still be discs and whatever, but the features will be having a more "futuristic" style.The most popped up picture of the PS5 in the internet shows a blue hole kind of thing.

Let's talk about the console now. When I mean by the console I am talking about the controller. Well, anyways, the console looks very similar to the PS4's, but it also has the same "futuristic" style like the console it self. And by the looks of it, it looks more comfortable, and some pictures shows that they have switched the buttons around in the console.

Backward Compatibility?

The PlayStation is a great console, but is it perfect? The answer to that is NO. That is because it is missing one of the most important feature which most of the consoles all have: backwards compatibility.

The previous PlayStations had never had any backwards compatibility, but will the PS5 have it? Well, a lot of people has been asking for it when the PS4 had came out. Sony last year said they will add it, but we had not seen it in the PS4 Pro. That will means that the Backward Compatibility might come out one way or another.


Overall, I this will be a great idea! It will be much better if it is 4K like the Xbox One X, however it is not proven yet, so watch out for the console guys, it might be 4K! Also if you are to buy this console, I recommend you guys to buy it until there are no longer games coming out in the PS4, because there wouldn't be that much games in the PS5 if you buy it straight away. Anyways that's about it, the console looks really cool and I can't wait for it.

Thank you so much for watching! Don't forget to smash the like button with your PS4 console and subscribe! Again, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time! BYE!!!!!!

