Monster Hunter: World- The Greatest Video Game Success of 2018 + Review

Hey guys! Welcome back to another review! Where today we are going to be talking about the greatest gaming success of 2018: Monster Hunter: World!!! This master piece developed by Capcom, is one of the greatest success of 2018. I am not really a big fan of Monster Hunter: World, but this game looks cool, so I decided to do some review about it. Before we start... if you are new to this blog, please subscribe and follow us at Instagram at YGCHOI. Well without any farther to do, let's start today's AMAZING post!!!!!


Monster Hunter: World is a game developed by Capcom and was also published by Capcom. This is an action-role play game, so there are a lot of scenes. It's like 50 movie time and 50 do-it-yourself. The game is currently out for PS4 and Xbox One, it will be released for Microsoft Windows later on
in the year. Your role is a hunter, and you must hunt the monsters or trap them that are around the area. You can hunt alone, or you can hunt together up to 4 people. However you can only hunt in groups if you are playing online mode.

They had also added ecosystems to support you during battles with the monsters. You can hide in the bushes and do a lot of stuffs. Well, anyways that's about it. There's also an online mode for people who want to play with their friends.


This is an action role play, played by third perspective view. This takes place in a place called the "New World", which is an unknown world populated by monsters and other creatures. The Research Commissions, orders you to either hunt or trap those monsters to research and to keep the "village" safe. Your character's abilities are depended on what kind of weapon you choose from the 14 weapons, which are long sword, hammer, bow, and more! Later, you armor and combat moves will also be depended on what kind of weapon you chose from those 14 weapons. You can also craft or loot better weapons, which you can find when beating your enemies, which are the monsters.
However, as the story go, there will be more and stronger monsters lurking around the "New World".

After taking a quest in Astera, which if you guys are wonder, is the "village" I was talking about. I didn't say Astera, because I knew you guys would be like "What the..." If won't say it! Anyways, back to the gameplay. After the quest the player is sent into one of the base camp in one of the 6 regions that makes up the "New World". Each zone is made up of numbered zones such as 1... 2 ... 3


Sorry guys, fell a sleep there. Well, back to the post, these zones are connected, unlike the previous games in the series. There are no loading, when you go into different zones, and they can quick travel to the bases in the zones, however if your have never been to that base before, then you can't. From bases, player can receive food, and rest to gain your health.

If you can't find any monsters, it's no problem. You have scout flies, which can hover near tracks of the monster or even hover over them. This can be really helpful, because you can then track these monsters. You might ask "how?" Well, they shine their lights so that you can follow their lights to the monster.

You should be careful with your health If it falls to zero, your reward will be reduced. You will be sent to the camp. However that doesn't mean the health doesn't matter. If you die 3 times, your quest will immediately fail. Another thing that you guys should look for, is your stamina. If it falls you will
not be able to do any attacks or dodges. You stamina will recover extremely quickly, but in a middle of a battle. That could lead to your end.

Once you find your monster, you can choose what to do with it. If the quest tells you to kill it, you must do so. But, apart from that you can decide whether you want to trap it or kill it. The more the monster is damage, it would try harder to kill you. If not it would flee and will go to it's lair to heal itself.

Each player has an item, which can be used for or against the enemy or yourself. There are various items such as the sling shot, which you can use to distract the monsters. There are also things like Ghillie suit, which can be used to make the chances of getting detected by the enemies a little less.

You can also use the nature to kill the beasts. For example, you can bring the monster to a dam, then burst the dam so that it drowns. You can also lure it to other monster's den! When you do, the monsters will fight each other and (hopefully) dies.

You heard me talking about Astera a lot of the times. But what actually is it? Well, it's like a central
hub. It's a lot like a waiting area where you can shop and do whatever you want to do. You can game eat, you can do a lot of stuffs. You can also buy goods and craft items, etc. This is also the place where you receive quests if you were wondering. It's like a huge market place. As you defeat stronger monsters, you can upgrade your armor, or you can just upgrade your weapon.

The story mode is based on quests. So if you want to do a story, you must do the quests first. That's about it. Never mind what I had just said. I forgot to tell you guys this. The game is 40-50 hours long just so you guys know. So it's quite a long game. Alright let's go to the story plot next.


The player controls a hunter that they can name, supported by an assistant handler, who are a part of the Fifth Fleet which has been summoned by the Research Commission to provide more support to the New World. A particular focus of the Expedition is to study Elder Dragons, powerful beasts that can affect entire ecosystems, and why they migrate to the New World every ten years in an event known as the Elder Crossing. While traveling to the New World, the Fifth Fleet encounters Zorah Magdaros, a massive Elder Dragon the size of a mountain. After being rescued and arriving at the base camp, known as Astera, the Hunter and their Handler undertake various tasks to explore the area and study Zorah Magdaros at the behest of the Commander of the Expedition. The Expedition determines that Zorah Magdaros is dying and is migrating to a massive graveyard, known as the Rotten Vale. An Expedition-led capture mission against Zorah Magdaros is foiled by Nergigante, an Elder Dragon that feeds on other Elder Dragons, and is protecting Zorah Magdaros as its future meal. After escaping the ambush, Zorah Magdaros unexpectedly enters the Everstream rather than traveling to the Rotten Vale. After further investigations, the Expedition learns that if Zorah Magdaros dies within the Everstream, its released bio-
energy will destroy the New World. With no time to evacuate, the Expedition develops an emergency plan to intercept Zorah Magdaros and drive it to the ocean, where its released bio-energy will form a new aquatic ecosystem. Nergigante once again interferes, but this time is driven off by the Hunters, and Zorah Magdaros is successfully driven into the ocean.
However, when Nergigante flees to the Elder's Recess, an area in the Everstream with massive amounts of stored bio-energy, the presence of Nergigante drives away its Elder Dragon prey toward neighboring locations, upsetting each individual ecosystem. With the help of the Admiral, the true leader of the Expedition, the Hunter is able to track down and kill Nergigante. With Nergigante dead, the Elder Dragons calm down and return to the Recess. After their defeat by the Hunter, the source of energy within the Elder’s Recess is discovered: Xeno'jiiva, an infant Elder Dragon, which had been incubating within the Elder's Recess, and was feeding on the bio-energy of dead Elder Dragons. Xeno'jiiva hatches upon being discovered, and at the behest of the Admiral, the Hunter defeats it before it can wreak havoc on the world. With the Elder Crossing now fully understood, the Expedition is considered finished, but members are offered the chance to stay in the New World to continue their research. That's about it, let's talk about my review next.


Overall Monster Hunter: World is an AMAZING game. The graphics are cool and the story is also really cool! I really like the idea of capturing the monster and whatever, and how much options you have. You can trap the monster, you can do bunch of cool stuffs! Overall, I really liked this game however there could be some changes to the characters. Because sometimes they are speaking and sometimes you actually have to read it. But that's about it. I am not really a fan of Capcom, but this game completely changed my mind. However, there are still rooms for improvement. 

Metacritic- 90%

Trusted Reviews- 10/10

GameSpot- 8/10

The Games Insiders- 9.5/10 

Thank you so much for watching! I know, I know. Today was a long post. I am sorry if it was too long, but anyways... Don't forget to smash the like button with your monster killing weapon and subscribe! Again, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time!! BYE!!!!!

