Everything Wrong With: Star Wars Battlefront

Welcome to a brand new series! I am Janson and I am going to talk about everything wrong with Star Wars Battlefront.

There is no story mode! All of the previous Battlefront games had a story mode so why not this one? I guess the developers were too lazy to make one. Or maybe they were going to make it an expansion pack based on how some of the content could only be unlocked through expansion packs. (Which you have to buy) This game is also seriously overpriced! Like 60 dollars for the full game including expansion packs! It doesn't even include a story mode! What was EA thinking? At least it only costs around 15 dollars for the full game now. So go ahead and buy it! Wait, you're probably waiting for the second Star Wars Battlefront. Right? Well, you think $60 is expensive? It will cost 110 DOLLARS to play the whole of Battlefront 2! Yes, you read that right. 110 DOLLARS! good luck saving up for that. Well, at least it includes a story mode, better graphics and more heroes!

Now it's time for the costumes and star cards! You know in Star Wars Episode 7 Captain Phasma says "Who gave you permission to remove your helmet FNWhatever number it is". Clearly, the developers didn't watch the movie or they think the stormtrooper's helmet is ugly. Because this game includes helmetless STORMTROOPERS!

There's also this diorama thing that is useless unless you want to show off to your friends that you have all the pieces. It is extremely hard to get all of them and I have TOTALLY collected all. (I only have 2)😭.

The spawning in the game is kind of bad. Sometimes when you spawn you get killed right away which is just so annoying. Also the game spawns you pretty far from where the action is happening, so unless you have a jump pack(HINT: It's the most useful star card in the game) it will probably take you about a minute to get to the action and get killed. Luckily there is an option to spawn with your teammate. This also doesn't really work well because if they have low health or they are close to enemies, you can't use that. So yeah.

 There are tokens around the map which let you control AT_ST's, AT-AT's and TIE/X-Wing Fighters and much more are usually in a fixed location. So if you know the map really well you will know where to find these power-ups which make it really unfair to the new players.

Finally, team balance. The imperial side in this game is OP. They have AT-AT, AT-ST, TIE Fighters and more. Wherelse the only thing the rebels have is HOPE and x wings. The imperials default blaster is also more powerful overall. As the games are usually quite large(Around 40 players) it is sometimes hard to find a multiplayer game. this especially applies to the expansion packs. It is also harder to find a multiplayer game on weekdays and on Saturday. TIP: Just click find the best multiplayer game instead of selecting your favourite game mode to quickly join a game.

Well, that about sums it up. Be sure to share this post and like it! If you enjoyed this post and want more like this be sure to subscribe. BYE!

